Join our 30-Day Secret StoryGames

Guidance x Structure x Creative Friends = Read+Write+Create The World

Select Your Membership.

Monthly, Quarterly & Annual Options.

A guided journey through the 30-day Storygames of the Secret Storyworld with daily
🐓 Time Travel Chicken Calls, ✏️story journal prompts, and 🏴‍☠️ weekly creator clubs.

Use your imagination to take action on your dreams in all life areas using the tools of
1)📜 writing
2) 📕 goal setting
3) habit formation

Daily Time Travel Chicken + Pirate Shipping Hour

Join the 🐓 Time Travel Chicken for a 📞 15-minute check-in video call + ✏️🏴‍☠️ a 45-minute sail on the Pirate Ship every morning to set yourself up for a creative+organized day.
🐓 🐓 🐓
The Chicken is a creative morning routine to help you tell a story and achieve a goal in 30 days.
🐓 🐓 🐓

Each morning we:

⚡Clarify your mission and goals
📕Choose today’s 3 most important actions
👁️Enter the Storyworld with a guided meditation.
🚢Set sail with us for 45 minutes aboard the Pirate Ship
(a shipping pod to do our creative work in the company of your fellow readers/writers/creators.)
🔥Your guide will chicken with you at the end of the day at the Campfire.
🏆We’ll celebrate your success and write the world.

Together we will:

⚡Develop a creative morning routine
⚡ Get organized + focused
⚡ Clarify your goals
⚡ Create accountability
⚡ Practice mindfulness
⚡ Reduce overwhelm + anxiety
⚡ Celebrate!



The Reader

Read the World

Unlimited reading + Time Travel Chicken!

$5 / month

Discounts if you pay annually.

As a Reader, you get:

✍️ Unlimited Pirate Chickens & Reading Access. 

Join up to 5 Pirate Chicken Hours each week.

🎯 Monthly Goal Setting Workshops & Tracker for a creative month of reading.

📣 Unlimited Reading. Read thousands of Secret Book Stories and Journals

☕️ 10%-off the Secret Bookshop. Books and gear for Storyspinners.


The Writer

Daily Storygame Play+ Weekly Classes

Read + Write the World

$10 / month

Discounts if you pay annually.

Get everything in Reader, plus:

❤️ Secret Book Desktop. Connect with fellow writers all over the globe and build creative friendships. Check out our Member Portal

🎙 LIVE Classes each week with Muse Monday, Wizard Wednesday, Fortune Teller Friday.

☕️ 24-Hour Virtual Realm. Write or mingle with your fellow Storyspinner in our themed Zoom room!

🛖 24-Hour Virtual Writing Cabin. Get deep work done with minimal talking with your fellow writers in the Cabin.

✍️ Special Interest Writing Groups. Access community groups like Historical Fiction, Podcasting,  Blogging, NaNoWriMo & more.

📝 Open Mic & Poetry Slam. Practice sharing your work and get feedback in a safe, friendly and encouraging setting.


The Creator

Accountability + Support

For writers looking to become Game Masters.

$50 / month

  • Apply to be a Creator

Creator level is application only.

Apply now for our Fall 2022 cohort.

Get everything in Writer, plus:

✅ Weekly Accountability & Unblocking Check-Ins. Each Monday & Friday check-in with your fellow Creators and coaches to get unblocked and stay on track.

🗓 Weekly Writing Tracker. Set your goals and track your progress week by week.

🎁 Monthly Creator Kits. 

Join for 1 month, a season, a year. Cancel anytime.

There’s an ancient roadmap underlying all stories.

Across time and cultures, all humans can read this map, even if we can’t quite explain it.

This invisible map helps us navigate the path of bringing an invisible idea into visible reality. It connects you intimately with other readers, writers, and creators.

There’s no doubt that we are living through an extraordinary moment in the human journey. As storyspinners and as citizens of the world, we face environmental, economic, and social change at a breakneck pace. We need powerful new stories to survive our trials and continue our journey. We need to write the world.

The world is changing.

One in four workers in the US are remote, and that number is expected to grow. Without the supportive structure of a school or workplace it can be hard to stay motivated and connected to others. A growing number of people are struggling with anxiety and loneliness.

That’s why we opened a portal into the Secret Storyworld — a place where we read+write+create together to write our life and write the world.

The Secret Storyworld consists of:

📕30 day storygames

🐓The Time Travel Chicken (check-ins) A guided daily video call to plan out your day

🏆Reading, Writing, and Creating Clubs where we gather with fellow Storyspinners..

🔥 One-on-one Campfire Chickens (check-ins) with a Secret Storyworld Guide.

Join the Storyspinner community

⭐ Start your day with meaning, magic, and purpose

⭐ Declare your 30 day future destination

⭐ Prioritize your 3 most important actions for your day

⭐ Celebrate with a supportive community

⭐ Receive guidance and support from the Secret Storyworld Guides

⭐ Practice habits of planning, journaling, and visualization

⭐ Write your story

⭐ Be the hero of your life

⭐ Read, write, and create the world!

🐓 The Time Travel Chicken

A creative morning routine to help you enter into the energies of the Secret Storywlrd so we can tell a story and achieve a goal in 30 days.

Each day we start with a Crossroad Chickens and end the day with a Campfire Chicken

The Chicken is a check in. We declare our month’s mission, our  goal to read, write and create our life and world

Then we choose our 3 most important actions and post them in the chat. then go about your day.

The Secret Storyworld is working on your behalf.

Your guide will chicken with you at the Campfire at the end of the day.

We’ll celebrate your success and write the world together.


Get your Muse to the Marketplace

Set sail on the Sea of Creativity to get your Muse (creative project, service or business) to the Marketplace this September.

Your Storyspinner Mission? To record your mythic creation adventures in your Book of Secrets.

Set Sail!


Frightful Fun at the Monster Ball

Your Monster Band is needed to perform at October’s Monster Ball, the most Monstrous event of the Monster year.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Write about how you find, tame and get your Monsters to the Ball.

Have a Ball!


Find treasure at Treasure Bazaar

Quest through the Mines, Marketplace and Caves of the Treasure Bazaar. Make, move and multiply your Treasures this November.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Fill up and share your Treasure Bazaar in your Book of Secrets.

Count your Treasure!


Go Gnome for a Happy Holiday

You have a Gnome in your Home! Gnomes are in charge of home and hearth. Care for your Gnome and your Gnome will care for you.

Your Storyspinner Mission? To record your Gnomekeeping adventures in your Secret Book.

Go Gnome!


Check in to the Time Travel Hotel

A suite has been reserved for you on the Past, Future and Present Floor of the Time Travel Hotel. Here you can close the doors of the Year-that-has-been and open the doors into the year-that-will-be.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Rendevous with Future and Past You to choose the future for the year-that-will-be.



Become a Care of Creature Keeper

Discover the lairs of the Lunar Animals and the Power Pets in the Root Dens, Trunk Hollows and Branch Nests of the Gateway Tree. Each Creature brings a Loving Kindness (LK) Power to share.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Practice 30 days of Kindness. Write about your LK Adventures in your Book of Secrets.

Be Kind!


Wizardopolis School of Wizardry

Get your Muse to the Marketplace

Set sail on the Sea of Creativity to get your Muse (creative project, service or business) to the Marketplace this September.

Your Storyspinner Mission? To record your mythic creation adventures in your Book of Secrets.

Set Sail!


Frightful Fun at the Monster Ball

Your Monster Band is needed to perform at October’s Monster Ball, the most Monstrous event of the Monster year.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Write about how you find, tame and get your Monsters to the Ball.

Have a Ball!


Find treasure at Treasure Bazaar

Quest through the Mines, Marketplace and Caves of the Treasure Bazaar. Make, move and multiply your Treasures this November.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Fill up and share your Treasure Bazaar in your Book of Secrets.

Count your Treasure!


Attend the Faery Godmother Tea

Help the Faery Godmother Traveling Tea Party get ready by gathering the 9 Flowers and Herbs from the Tea Faeries in time for the Summer Solstice.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Enter the Tea Faery Garden to learn the secrets of Charmspeak Tea in your Book of Secrets.

Enter the Tea Garden


Power Up with the Superheroes

You’ve been invited to train with the Superheroes this July. Get Superhero fit with the Five Power Ups at the 5 Power Stations.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Use your Book of Secrets to Power Up at Superhero Bootcamp.

Power Up!


Sleep Under the Stars 30 Days of Outside Challenge Begins July 31

Get outside at the Campfire Forest

Quest through the Fairytale Theater to find the hidden objects from your favorite Fairy Tales and get ready to put on a show this May!

Your Storyspinner Mission? Get this Fairytale ready for Opening Night in your Book of Secrets

Get Outside